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The Queen Steps Down

I have crawled into the bright hot light of summer with a searing migraine to take my dog out. When a neighbor saw me, creeping along, he offered to help. I said, "Oh no, thanks, I'm okay." 

I have held reign as the Queen of Do-Every-Single-Little-Fucking-Thing-Myself forever. Ever.

I am stepping off the throne. The position is available, but I don't recommend it. It is lonely; it makes your back hurt; and it's dumb. When you do everything yourself you are missing out on half of the equation. Receiving is a beautiful thing. Not receiving deprives everyone. I realized this about 10 years ago, but putting it in practice has been a long haul. 

This year is going to be different. This year is already different. The required vulnerability of asking, I can do it. The openness to receiving, yes, please.

In this spirit, I am enjoying this book. It's currently on my bedside table.

Do you ask for help? Do accept help when it is offered? Reading anything good?